School of Human and Social Sciences

International Relations and Comparative Politics

Teaching and research focus on conflicts and cooperation in international relations as well as the transformation of statehood from a comparative perspective. In research, the focus is on international and comparative political economy. Starting from a crisis of multilateralism, existing interstate economic conflicts (trade conflicts, commodity conflicts, currency conflicts) and their mechanisms of impact on international regimes and national political systems in industrialized and developing countries are analysed from a critical realist theoretical perspective. The changing relationship between states and companies, which is reflected in foreign economic policy strategies, is included under the heading of change in statehood. It is assumed that the growing power of multinational corporations is increasingly restricting the state's ability to shape national and international affairs and is putting increasing pressure on the national welfare state.

The research focus on international and comparative political economy is reflected in the team's active participation in the International Political Economy (IPÖ) working group of the German Political Science Association (DVPW). More information about the IPÖ working group of the DVPW can be found here.


  • Maria Behrens (Univ.-Prof. Dr.)
  • Michael M. Franke (Dr. Dipl.-Soz.Wiss.), research assistant
  • Julius Merkens, research assistant in a research project
  • Leonie Henkel, student assistant

Former employee

  • Holger Janusch (Dr., Dipl.-Pol.)
  • Daniel Lorberg (Dr., LL.M.)

  • Friedrich List, in: Holger Janusch (ed.), Handelspolitik und Welthandel in der Internationalen Politischen Ökonomie. An Introduction to the History of Ideas, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2020, 53-64.
  • "There is an alternative!" Politökonomische Krisen und zivilgesellschaftliche Gegenbewegungen im globalisierten Kapitalismus, in: Smail Rapic (ed.), Jenseits des Kapitalismus, Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber 2020, 110 - 155 (with Sebastian Möller).
  • Wuppertal - Urban Transformation at the Scale of the Neighborhood, in: Oliver Niermann, Olaf Schnur and Matthias Drilling (eds.), Ökonomie im Quartier. From socio-spatial intervention to the post-growth society. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2019, 191-215 (co-edited with Andreas Keil).

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