School of Human and Social Sciences


Teaching profile (see below) What is Political Science? Degree programs Political science courses Academic advising Tandem coaching Internships & abroad Doctorate & habilitation TransZent certificate Quality assurance

Teaching profile

In teaching, Political Science at the University of Wuppertal offers the following degree programs or is significantly involved in them:

Contents and structure of the BA Political Science

The combinatorial BA Political Science is a degree course that introduces you to the subject of political science and familiarizes you with the various sub-disciplines of political science, namely political theory, government systems research, methods, comparative politics and international relations. The course enables you to develop your own profile in terms of content: On the course itself, you can choose from two different profiles (Political Economy and Political Society) and combine them with a second subject (e.g. Economics, History or Sociology). In this way, you will be equipped for the professions you are interested in.

Content and structure of the MA Political Science

The MA in Political Science is a consecutive academic degree program that qualifies you for careers in academia and science-related foundations as well as in political and public institutions (such as administration, media, associations, political parties and NGOs). Its special profile lies in participation and transformation research. They deal with political society in Germany, in the EU and on an international level. They deal with scientific research on participatory and deliberative forms of democracy. You will deepen your knowledge of political science methods. The program offers you the opportunity to acquire a double master's degree in cooperation with Andrassy University Budapest and thus to focus on international relations and diplomacy or to develop your own profile for your future career path by choosing another foreign university.

The professorships of our institute are

  • Karoline Augenstein - "Policy Field Analysis, especially Transformation Research and Sustainability"
  • Maria Behrens - "International Relations and Comparative Politics"
  • Hans J. Lietzmann; Rudolf Carnap Senior Professor
  • Detlef Sack - "Democracy theory and government systems research"

Further information on the teaching areas can be found here.

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