Political Science in the combinatorial Bachelor of Arts
Political Science is a part of the combined Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree program at the University of Wuppertal. By studying Political Science, you will acquire the ability to understand the interrelationships between structures, processes and contents of politics and to apply them in public and private organizations (e.g. associations and companies) in a career-oriented manner.
Political decisions are not determined by governments alone, but are the result of negotiation processes between social actors and institutions. Due to the shift of national competences to the European level and the increasing juridification of international relations, these negotiation processes are embedded in a multi-level system of political decision-making mechanisms. In order to successfully manage the increasing need for coordination and control (governance) in this multi-level system, mediators between politics, business and society are required who are able to recognize, analyse and translate the different perspectives. For this reason, the degree program is aimed at careers in the further education sector (teaching, public and private political education, science) as well as in political, economic and social organizations.
The modules of the degree program are grouped into three parts: basic area, core area and profile area , which allow you to systematically build up specialist skills while at the same time offering the widest possible range of options.
In addition to providing a general grounding in political science, a central focus of the foundation area is political theory. This focus aims to impart theoretical foundations and promote abstract thinking skills. Methods training geared towards political science issues also enables students to develop a research design and apply empirical methods to answer a question. The methods course is specifically tailored to political science perspectives: both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection (standardized surveys, semi-standardized, guideline-based expert interviews) and evaluation (aggregate data analysis, content analysis) are covered. Students thus acquire basic skills in the first two semesters.
Core area
The second focus of the core area imparts knowledge about the European multi-level system of political decision-making processes. Starting with the EU, the interfaces between the various levels of political decision-making are dealt with in depth. This includes the German political system, comparative politics and the European integration process as well as European foreign policy and international relations. In the core area, students thus acquire specialist political science skills.
Profile area
The three available profile areas offer you career-oriented options (from winter semester 14/15)
Profile A "Political Economy and Sustainability" gives you the opportunity to acquire communication skills that are required in the desired professional fields at the interface between economics, politics and the environment, such as in associations, corporate press departments or in the field of public economic development, as well as in governmental organizations (GO) and non-governmental organizations (NGO) in the environmental and economic sector.
Profile B "Political Society" imparts knowledge and analytical skills to classify the effects of politics on social structures and processes and their repercussions on the change of institutions, actor patterns and programs in a national and supranational context. It opens up professional fields such as in governmental organizations (GO) and non-governmental organizations (NGO) as well as in scientific, social or cultural organizations.
Profile C "European Politics" imparts knowledge and understanding of the structures, content-related aggregates and processes of European governance and its event and actor structure. The profile opens up professional fields in the European institutional system as well as in its interface areas with Europe-related organizations and institutions.
Examination regulations 2021
Examination regulations kBA Political Science 2021 Module handbook for PO 2021 Certificates of achievement from PO 2014 can be found here
Examination regulations 2014/2015
Examination regulations of 20.11.2014 Study plan for the examination regulations 2014 Certificates of achievement for PO 2014 can be found here
Examination regulations 2011/2012
Examination regulations of 22.12.2011 and amendment of the examination regulations of 24.09.2012 Study plan for the examination regulations 2011 incl. amendment 2012 Certificates of achievement for PO 2011/12 can be found here.
Examination regulations 2009
Examination regulations dated 04.06.2009 Study plan for the examination regulations 2009 Module sheets for PO 2009 can be found here. Certificates of achievement for PO 2009 can be found here.
Please make sure to note both the module part to be certified and your matriculation number on the certificate!
Equivalency table examination regulations 2009 and 2011 incl. amendment 2012
For both the B.A. and M.A. degree programs, the registration deadline at the central examinations office is usually 4 weeks before the actual examination date. Further information on examinations can be found on the relevant websites of the Central Examinations Office.
- To register for the Bachelor's thesis in Political Science, you must have at least 52 credit points in the Political Science sub-degree program. You can find more information on the Bachelor's thesis under the relevant examination regulations on the website of the central examinations office.
- Here you will find information on plagiarism.
- Change of examination regulations: Students who wish to change to a different PO must submit a corresponding application. The application can be found at the central examinations office.
- Information on political science specialization modules in the optional area can be found here.
- ATTENTION: The political science part of the combined B.A. does not qualify you for a teacher training course (Master of Education)!
General information
- A declaration of independence must be attached to term papers, which you can find here.
- A certificate of participation in block seminars for submission for missing participation in weekly seminars can be found here.
- General information on obtaining a certificate and documenting your achievements in the central examinations office can be found here.
If you are interested in the degree program, please contact the Student Advisory Service.
The courses in the degree program are offered exclusively in German.
ATTENTION: The Political Science part of the combined B.A. does not qualify you for a teacher training course (Master of Education)!