School of Human and Social Sciences

M.A. Political Science

In the 2018/19 winter semester, the disciplinary Master's degree course in Political Science started for the first time at the University of Wuppertal. Students have the opportunity to deepen and expand their knowledge of political science and consolidate their methodological skills. Below you will find all relevant information on the course contents, the admission requirements and the possibility of a double degree with Andrássy University Budapest to obtain the additional degree M.A. International Relations.

The contact person for all questions is the academic advisor André Schmale.

You can also find a summary of the following information in the program flyer of the central student guidance and counselling services.

The consecutive Master's degree program in Political Science builds on the content of a Bachelor's degree program with a focus on political science and deepens and expands the knowledge and skills acquired there, particularly in the areas of transformation and participation. It leads to a general professional qualification in political science with a special focus on methodological and content-related skills.

The focus is on social transformation processes - for example towards sustainable development - at national, European and international level as well as political participation in and in these processes. On the one hand, the course takes the perspective of multi-level governance. On the other hand, it is based on a comprehensive approach in which the political is always reflected in its social, economic, legal and philosophical embedding.

The international and intercultural dimension of society and politics is not only in the foreground during an obligatory semester abroad, but above all in practice. In addition, 15 students per year have the opportunity to acquire a double degree in cooperation with the Andrássy University of Budapest following a merit-based selection and if they are individually interested. Successful completion of the Master's degree program creates the prerequisites for a subsequent doctorate and the basis for a variety of qualified activities within and outside academia.

The admission requirement for the Master of Arts in Political Science is a Bachelor's degree with at least 180 credit points (ECTS credits) and a standard period of study of at least six semesters. The Bachelor's degree must contain at least 86 ETCS credits from social science subjects, of which at least 20 ETCS credits must be allocated to the core areas of political science. Admission to the Master of Arts in Political Science is only possible in the winter semester. Up to 25 students are accepted each year. Further information on admission requirements and the application procedure can be found here.

Please note that for admission to the M.A. in Political Science, the Bachelor's thesis must be submitted for correction by October 31 at the latest.

The standard period of study, including all coursework and examinations, is four semesters. The 120 credit points to be acquired during this time are distributed across the following modules:

  • Modern society and its research
  • Politics and political society in Europe
  • Transformation of state and society
  • Methods, designs and processes in research practice I & II
  • Compulsory elective module Philosophical Perspectives
  • Philosophy of science and epistemology,
  • Philosophical anthropology and cultural philosophy or
  • Principles of ethics and political philosophy
  • Politics and participation in Germany and Europe
  • Power, cooperation and conflicts in the international system
  • Law, law-making and application of law in the multi-level system
  • Master's thesis and colloquium

In the third semester, students spend a compulsory semester abroad worth 30 ETCS credits, during which they acquire intercultural, political science and related skills. If this is completed at Andrássy University in Budapest in accordance with the examination regulations, students receive a double degree from both universities. If students spend a semester abroad at another university, they will only receive a degree from the University of Wuppertal.

The Master's degree in Political Science qualifies students for a career and also prepares them for a doctorate. The special combination of research orientation and professional qualification opens up a broad spectrum of career prospects, which takes into account the academic requirements both in the university sector and in academic and other professional fields.

The original professional fields of political science graduates include working for political parties, parliaments or parliamentary offices, for associations and international organizations, in the civil service, for non-governmental organizations, in political consulting institutions (think tanks) and in the university sector. Graduates are also qualified for special tasks in the business world, primarily in positions that interface with politics, such as lobbying and public relations. Students can specialize in one area in particular during the semester abroad and the final thesis. Thanks to the cooperation with Andrássy University Budapest (double degree), students also have the option of obtaining an M.A. in International Relations (AUB) in addition to the M.A. in Political Science (BUW). This offers graduates specific career prospects in the international and diplomatic field with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe.

Examination regulations 2019

Examination regulations MA Political Science from 29.05.2019 Study plan for the examination regulations 2019

Certificates of achievement

Certificates for the ungraded coursework can be found here.

Module handbook

Module handbook MA Political Science from 29.05.2019

For both the B.A. and MA degree programs, the registration deadline at the central examinations office is usually 4 weeks before the actual examination date. Further information on examinations can be found on the relevant websites of the Central Examinations Office.

If you are interested in the degree program, please contact the Student Advisory Service.

The courses in the degree program are offered exclusively in German.